Buying a property involves a great effort and is a very important step in people's lives, so here is a guide with the steps and all the useful information you need to know for the operation to be a success.
the search
To find the ideal property that meets all your needs, we recommend that you answer these questions in advance that will guide you in your decision.
What type of property are you looking for?
How many rooms should the ideal property have? Essential garage? With or without terrace/balcony/patio?
Do you want it to have common areas? Which is it?
In which District or in which urbanization can the property be located?
What is the budget you have? It is important to take into account that it is necessary to contemplate the alcabala tax, Notary and Registry xpenses and the fees of the lawyer in charge of the Bill of Sale.
How much do you estimate you can spend per month? It is essential to consider the amount of maintenance.
Tips when visiting a property to buy:
Going to the visit with another person can be useful to get a trusted second opinion.
Visit it at different times of the day to see the light it receives.
Visit it at different times of the week to see the movement in the area.
Check the accessibility of the property and nearby sites of interest (green areas, public transport, shops, institutions).
Request receipts for services and maintenance.
Verify the correct operation of light and water.
Pay attention to the presence of humidity or cracks in the walls.
The offer
When you find the property that meets all the requirements you needed and adjusts to the value you can afford, it's time to make an offer. It should be noted that you can find it even on the first visit.
The offer reflects the willingness to buy, which the seller can accept or reject. If accepted, the property must be removed from the sale to continue with the procedures corresponding to the purchase.
Standard disclosure form
The main items contained in the standard disclosure form that you should request include:
The existence of any actual or potential legal claim or complaint affecting the property,
If disputes have arisen over property lines,
The existence of environmental hazards such as asbestos, lead, mold, defective drywall (a common problem in Florida) and others affecting the property,
If the property contains any past or present sinkholes (another recurring problem in Florida),
The existence of any type of infestation or damage caused by wood-destroying organisms, such as termites, fungi, etc., and
The existence of problems that affect any structural or essential component of the house, which includes the roof, plumbing, electrical wiring, major appliances, air conditioning, etc.
The signing of the Bill of Sale
Once both parties agree to continue with the operation, the Bill of Sale is signed. It is a document that reflects bilaterally, the seller's commitment to sell and you, to make the purchase, that is, to proceed to the Public Deed. In addition, according to the agreement of the parties, a considerable percentage of the total value of the property can be advanced.
The document establishes the price and method of payment, the date or term of the Public Deed, if it will be with a credit or with own resources, the Electronic Record of the property, personal data, obligations of the parties and cancellation effects. This document must have the authorization of a collegiate lawyer.
Keep in mind that between the signing of the Bill of Sale and the Public Deed there must be an agreed term if it is in cash and that, if the sale transaction is carried out with the intervention of a financial institution, there are additional terms for the study of titles , appraisal, disbursement contract and Public Deed.
The pay
It can be done with a mortgage disbursement or own resources, within the term agreed between the parties, and with its entirety, the real and effective delivery of the property is established. The division of expenses can be agreed, but, according to uses and customs, the expenses that you must face as a buyer of a property are:
Notary and Registry Expenses.
The agreed price of the transfer of the Real Estate.
The receipts for Maintenance, electricity, water, additional services and any receipt after the transfer of the real estate.
If you want to get information, please write us: or by mail at BIENES RAICES BOLIVIA.